Kingsley Heritage Celebration
In 1806, 13-year-old Anta Madjiguène Ndiaye was captured in the Kingdom of Jolof and sold...
24th Annual Hilton Head Island Gullah Celebration
The Hilton Head Island Gullah Celebration showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Gullah...
People Say Gullah Geechee Culture Is Disappearing. BJ Dennis Says They’re Wrong
What is the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor?
The Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor is a federal National Heritage Area. It was established...
New York Times: “About that Song You’ve Heard, Kumbaya”
Food for the Soul: Contributions of enslaved people to southern foodways
South Carolina Living: South Carolina’s Civil Rights Trail
New York Times: “Searching Out the Hidden Stories of South Carolina’s Gullah Country”
The Gathering at Geechee Kunda
Gullah Geechee festivals are important platforms for sharing culture and history. At the 14th Annual...
Pin Point Heritage Museum
The Pin Point Heritage Museum, located in the old A.S. Varn & Son Oyster...